14 maja 1968 r., podobnie jak pierwszego dnia, modli³em siê przy skale i poczu³em intensywn± woñ kwiatów. Wieczorem, gdy ju¿ znacznie siê ¶ciemni³o, ponownie odczu³em wezwanie, abym uda³ siê w stronê ska³y. Klêcz±c i modl±c siê przy skale, ujrza³em promieñ ¶wiat³a wychodz±cy z nieba i w¶ród tej wspania³o¶ci pojawi³a siê Matka Boska. Nastêpnie sk³oni³a g³owê i przemówi³a z³amanym g³osem:
Pragnê, aby powsta³o tutaj wielkie centrum duchowe, w którym dusze odnajd± pokój i ukojenie. W tym miejscu Bóg pragnie otworzyæ okno ku niebu. Przez moje po¶rednictwo chce okazaæ tu swoje mi³osierdzie.
Rzek³szy te s³owa, powoli z³o¿y³a rêce i trwa³a przez chwilê poch³oniêta w modlitwie. Potem opu¶ci³a g³owê, u¶miechnê³a siê do mnie s³odko i wkrótce zniknê³a, pozostawiaj±c s³odki zapach. Prawie biegiem wróci³em do domu, wzi±³em d³ugopis i napisa³em to wszystko, co Matka Bo¿a mi powiedzia³a.
Forth revelation
On May 14, 1968 similar to yesterday, I was praying next to the rock and I smelled the scent of flowers. In the evening, when it was getting dark, I felt again a compelling call to come to the place of revelations. When I was kneeling and praying, suddenly I saw a beam of light coming from the sky and among this light Holy Mary appeared. Then she bowed head and said:
“I wish that a great spiritual center would be built here, where the souls would find the peace and relief. In this place God wants to open the window toward the heaven. Through my intercession He wants to reveal his mercy.”
When she finished, she folded her hands slowly and immersed into the silent prayer. Then, she smiled sweetly and vanished, leaving a sweet scent. I almost ran to my house, took my pen and wrote down everything Holy Mother told me.