13 maja 1968 r., w ci±gu dnia, poszed³em kilka razy, by modliæ siê przy skale. Pogr±¿ony w modlitwie poczu³em intensywn± woñ kwiatów. W godzinach wieczornych, mniej wiêcej w tym samym czasie co poprzedniego wieczoru, poczu³em jak tajemnicza si³a po raz kolejny wzywa³a mnie abym przyszed³ do podnó¿a ska³y. I poszed³em, upad³em na kolana i zacz±³em odmawiaæ "Zdrowa¶ Mario". Nagle zobaczy³em jak gdyby otwarte niebo. Promieñ ¶wiat³a pad³ na ska³ê i w nim ukaza³a siê Matka Boska. Zapyta³em j±: "Naj¶wiêtsza Maryjo Panno, powiedz mi, co chcesz, abym ci uczyni³?". Ona, pochylaj±c lekko g³owê, powiedzia³a:
Proszê ciê o odmianê tej doliny.
Koñcz±c tê rozmowê, Maryja pozosta³a przez krótk± chwilê w ciszy, po czym u¶miechaj±c siê delikatnie, zniknê³a szybko. Ja natomiast prêdko wsta³em i poszed³em do domu by sporz±dziæ notatkê o tym, co mi powiedzia³a Maryja.
Third revelation
On May 13, 1968, I went back and forth a few times visiting the place of revelations and stayed for while and prayed. Immersed in prayer, I smelled an intensive scent of flowers. In the evening, more or less in the same time as yesterday, I felt that a mysterious power compelled me to come again to the rock. I went, fell on my knees and started to pray “Hail Mary”. Suddenly, I saw as though the sky was opened. Then a beam of light enlightened the rock and in this light Holy Mary appeared. I asked her:
“The Most Sacred Blessed Virgin, what do you want me to do for you?”
She answered:
“I am asking you for change of this valley”
Finishing this conversation, Mary remained for a short moment, and then she smiled and vanished. I came back home in rush and made a note about what Holy Mary had told me that evening.