Rankiem 12 maja 1968 r., jak tylko siê obudzi³em, poszed³em pod ska³ê i modli³em siê trochê, ale nic siê nie wydarzy³o. Pó¼nym wieczorem, prawie o zmroku, ska³a ¶wieci³a jak w bia³y dzieñ - od góry do do³u b³yszcza³a jasnym p³omieniem ¶wiat³a, roz¶wietlaj±c promienie ze ska³y. W tym cudownym ¶wietle nagle pojawi³a siê m³oda kobieta. Jak tylko j± zobaczy³em, straci³em w³adzê w nogach - upad³em na kolana i dr¿±cym g³osem powiedzia³em - "Je¶li jeste¶ Madonn±, pomó¿ mi". Ona, pochylaj±c g³owê, powiedzia³a -
Pomogê ci, ale do¶wiadczysz trudno¶ci i cierpieñ. Nie lêkaj siê, ja bêdê z tob± i wspomogê ciê. Pan pragnie uczyniæ ciê narzêdziem swojej mi³o¶ci ku zbawieniu dusz.
Po wypowiedzeniu tych s³ów u¶miechnê³a siê, spojrza³a w niebo, sk³oni³a g³owê i zniknê³a w jednej chwili. Tego wieczoru ju¿ nie odczuwa³em strachu - wielka rado¶æ i pokój wype³ni³y moje serce. Wróci³em do domu szczê¶liwy i zaraz spisa³em s³owa, które Naj¶wiêtsza Maria Panna mi powiedzia³a.
Second revelation
On May 12, 1968 as soon as I woke up, I went straight to the place of yesterday’s appearance and I was praying for a while, but this time nothing happened. Late in the evening, almost at nightfall, the rock was shinning as bright as it was last time. In this wonderful light a young woman suddenly appeared. When I saw her, I felt my legs become weak and fell on my knees. I asked her, with trembling voice: “If you are the Holy Mary, help me”. She, bowing her head, said to me:
“I will help you, but you will experience difficulties and sufferings. Do not be afraid, I will be with you and I will support you. The Lord wishes to make you a tool of his love for the salvation of souls.”
After these words she smiled, looked at the skies, and bowing down her head, she disappeared. I have not felt the fear any more this evening – a great joy and peace fulfilled my heart. I came back home full of joy and I started right away to write about revelations which happened to me that evening.